As many of you know we recently added a sweet baby girl to our family this past January. Needless to say, life has been pretty busy lately but I’ve been eager to share how her nursery turned out! There are so many nursery ideas out there, especially if you’re on Pinterest, that it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of how to begin or even how to afford creating a fun, safe space for your babe! Know it can be done, and with the help of many hands and a little creativity.
That being said, I need to credit my amazingly patient husband who painted our nursery twice. Yes folks, twice. Actually, I also need to thank my Dad and Darby for tackling a lot of the first color I picked out. What I thought was a beautiful blush color ended up skewing more towards Pepto Bismol… not good. So, after a lot of time staring at color swatches and debating over what to do, we decided to go with one of my favorites, Repose Gray by Sherwin Williams. This color is also in our kitchen and dining area, so I knew how it looked in various lights, times of day, etc. And boy do I love how it looks in Nora’s nursery!
Once the painting tarp and tape was cleared out of the room, I got to work on the overall design and decor. I was able to repurpose several things we already had around the house like the white crates (previously used to store bath towels in our tiny Seattle apartment), floral decor, etc. I picked up some paintings from Hobby Lobby, my fave, and found the cute wooden box at a local flea market. Oh and remember the dresser from my dresser makeover post? It ended up making the perfect dresser/changing table as it added a fun pop of color and fit nicely in the designated space.
For the crib, I wanted something bright that could be feminine or masculine as, God willing, more kids are in our future. I found the DaVinci Asher 3-in-1 Convertible Crib at Wayfair and I have to say it’s super nice for someone who is on the shorter side as it’s a few inches shorter than some other cribs on the market. Plus it has storage at the bottom which is coming in handy now that she’s moved out of newborn clothes! Add a floral crib sheet, gray crib skirt, cute mobile, and voila! The beautiful floral N is from my amazing sister, Megan. She’s super creative and awesome. She also lives far away which is less awesome.
Now for the reading corner… we needed something clean, bright, and accessible while Nora is an infant and also for all the future hours of snuggles and story times ahead. Justin built the shelves to highlight all her books, I hung the pink poofs from my baby shower above the rocker, and finished off this corner with a rustic table and lamp (the base used to be an olive green color so I painted it white). The armchair reclines (woot woot!) and was a gift from my mom and sister, Jessica. Unfortunately I haven’t spent too much time sitting in it as our little one prefers to be on the move at all times. But, I look forward to the day we can snuggle up in this chair together. 🙂
Overall, I think my favorite thing about this nursery is that our family and friends helped make it such a beautiful place for our little nugget. I’m reminded of how loved she is by so many and I’m very grateful to have such a wonderful community around us.

Love it!! So beautiful and feminine.