Nope, I’m not dreaming of athletic runners but of this super stylish Langley Street runner rug from Wayfair… Darn you Joanna Gaines for getting me hooked on That’s where I found my new favorite pieces: these classy yet comfortable oversized armchairs. A quick moment of silence for that cute rug underneath the chair… Mosley ate part of it a few weeks ago so I don’t have it out anymore. 🙁
Back to the purpose of my post! This runner has enough pizazz and can *hopefully* withstand the wet winters we’re about to encounter. Right now, we have a small 2’x3′ rug over our wood-like linoleum right as you step into our entryway, but then it’s carpet from there on out. The challenge? We’ve got to get from the door to our coat closet 12 feet away without turning that patch of carpet into a teeny tiny pond.
Right now the options are 1) Very carefully maneuver our bodies to close the door while staying on the rug, take off our shoes, and then make our way inside, 2) Step onto the carpet in front of the entry and have a wet, muddy carpet, or 3) Get a runner rug that’ll pave the way to our coat closet 12 feet away… Personally, I’d like to go with option C, please! My dilemma? It’s not in the budget at the moment. So it looks like it’s going on my Christmas list!
What do you guys use to keep your house from becoming a swampy nightmare in the winter? If you know of any great places to look for affordable rugs, send them my way!